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Explaining the coronavirus to children

27 March 2020

Write, if you have any answers to the questions listed below, or a question that you would like answered


Your questions:

Does anyone have ideas about how to explain the coronavirus to young children in a way that emphasises God’s love?

T. E.


My vicar has asked the congregation to pray at the same time each Sunday. Is there any spiritual value in this?

H. P.


What relevance does the universal Church’s teaching that lay people can baptise in an emergency have to the present public-health crisis? To what circumstances should it be restricted, and what is the correct procedure?

M. A.


Now that my weekly offering is merely an electronic transfer between my bank and the church’s, in what sense (if at all) can I be said to be a “cheerful giver”?

H. R.


Address for answers and more questions: please use email under present circumstances: questions@churchtimes.co.uk

We ask those giving answers to provide full name and address and, if possible, telephone number. Only the place name will be published under the name.

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Thu 20 Apr @ 16:08
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