More faith groups agree to disinvest from fossil-fuels
NEARLY 50 more religious institutions have committed to disinvesting from fossil fuels. The Global Catholic Climate Movement announced on Monday that 42 Roman Catholic groups and another five organisations, Protestant and Jewish, had cut ties with the fossil-fuel industry. The statement came after the Vatican released guidance on the environment to mark the fifth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato sí. The guidance urged the avoidance of companies “that harm human or social ecology (for example, through abortion or the arms trade), or environmental ecology (for example, through the use of fossil fuels)”.
Biden promises to take in more refugees
THE President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, stated last week that he will increase the number of refugees allowed into the country to 125,000 when he succeeds President Donald Trump in 2021, the Episcopal News Service has reported. If enacted, the policy will be a reversal of President Trump’s attempts to reduce the numbers of those entering the United States, from Mexico and Muslim countries in particular. Mr Biden said during his election campaign that he would end what has been called the “Muslim ban”. Last week, he said in an address to the Jesuit Refugee Service that he would “restore America’s historic role in protecting the vulnerable and defending the rights of refugees everywhere”.
Warning of greater storm damage in Nicaragua
THE people in the north-east of Nicaragua are not prepared for the impact of Hurricane Iota, which hit the country this week, Christian Aid has warned. The storm has caused similar damage to Hurricane Eta, which hit the country almost two weeks ago and has led to flooding and landslides (News, 13 November). At least 5000 people are now living in temporary accommodation.