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Caption Competition
Church Times
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Entries must be received by Friday 24 January.
Here is last week’s winner:
If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere; so it’s up to you new York, new York (John Saxbee)
IT SEEMED inevitable that quips about a double act would be forthcoming — and so they were:
- The new double-act presenters of I’m a Vicar, get me out of here! have been announced (Chris Coupe)
- Hale and Pace take a new career direction as ‘De Church Management’ (Marcus Booth)
- They knew they were auditioning for something, but couldn’t quite remember if it was for The Gentlemen, or Men in Black, or for Double Cross; so they just kept on smiling (Alison Rollin)
- Are you planning a Christmas special following the successes of Cannon and Ball, Morecambe and Wise, Little and Large, as Cottrell and Welby (Clive Deverell)
- And it’s good news from me, and good news from him (Valerie Budd)
- Mitchell brothers take on new EastEnders roles (Andrew Blyth)
- Two new faces join the Strictly Come Dancing judging panel (D. C. Essex)
- In no time at all, Stan and Ollie would work out which way round to stand (Jonathan Jeffery).
But more weighty matters are surely occupying the minds of the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect:
- Bishop Stephen doesn’t know yet, but I’ve planned my annual holiday to coincide with the Lambeth Conference (Patrick Irwin)
- No ifs, no buts, we’re going to Get Lambeth done (Richard Barnes).
Perhaps a case of mistaken identity?
- You’ve got the wrong story. This is Stephen Cottrell, our new man at York, not Stephen Cotterill, football manager (Janet Stockton)
- Justin Welby introduces his new personal chef, Rick Stein (Colin Stephens)
- Congratulations to the happy couple on their special day! (Jayne Ozanne).
Some readers hope that Bishop Cottrell is getting ready for his move northwards:
- Star of the east to become star of the north — prepare to adjust compasses! (Sue Chick)
- They tell me there are a few hills in the new diocese (Richard Hough)
- Stephen, you know you will need a cloth cap when you go up north. First thing Sentamu bought (John Rhodes).
Some other entries that we enjoyed:
- Bring me sunshine, in your smile, Bring me laughter, all the while. . . (Andrew Todd)
- Both Archbishops reaffirmed their commitment to diversity in the highest levels of Church leadership (George Frost)
- Justin, do you think the photographer down there realises he’s wearing odd-coloured shoes? (Lynda Sebbage)
- They were agreed that black is the new purple (Claire Scargill)
- Both men were in need of fresh expressions (Carolyn Owens)
- There was a time when all bishops wore purple, but, now, emulating the NZ rugby team, they are the new All Blacks (Peter Walker)
- That’s a nice mess you’ve got me into (Robert Shooter)
- Like the Cheshire Cat, the grins remained long after the photographers had vanished (Ian Enticott)
- Cantuar and Ebor-to-be posing for the first ‘Spot the difference’ in the children’s page in a fresh expression of the Church Times (John Thackray)
- Don’t look now, but lens cap still on third from right (Lesley Bambridge)
- OK, your graces, say ‘big cheese’ (Mervyn Cox)
- ‘And we must be sure to set up a cricket match between York and Canterbury,’ whispered Justin (Lesley Cope)
- It was a draw with the pectoral cross, Canterbury just edged ahead with the collar, but the Archbishop of York-elect romped home with his beaming smile (Brian Withington)
- That’s Archdeacon, our puppy; be careful, she bites! (Robert Paterson).
As ever, the winner receives Fairtrade chocolate, courtesy of Divine Chocolate: www.divinechocolate.com.