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Are Easter eggs still called ‘Pace eggs’?

26 April 2019

Write, if you have any answers to the questions listed at the end of this section, or to add to the answers given below


French and other European lan­guages use words derived from pesah (Passover) for Easter. Even we use paschal lamb and other technical terms. The data of the Survey of English Dialects (1948-61) disclose that, north of a wavy line from Liverpool to Middlesbrough, Easter eggs were apparently called “Pace eggs”. Is this still common? Further, apart from scholarly usage, does the use of Pace or similar for Easter extend beyond this?


Your answer: In the 1970s, Pace eggs were still made by covering the shells of un­­cooked eggs with small flowers and leaes, then wrapping them in dried onion skins and securing each one in a cloth square. After hard-boiling, the eggs were unwrapped to reveal beautiful shells, coloured and pat­terned by the foliage and onion skins. A final polish with butter before they cooled completed the process.

Jane Carter
Virginia Water, Surrey


Your question: The parish magazine refers to the three days after Palm Sunday as Fig Monday, Temple Tuesday, and Spy Wednesday. What are the origins of these names? G. H. P.


Address for answers and more ques­tions: Out of the Question, Church Times, 3rd floor, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG. questions@churchtimes.co.uk


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