HIGHLIGHT: The Public Philosopher Michael Sandel and an audience at LSE discuss artificial intelligence and human decision-making.
Monday 9am Radio 4
TELEVISION: Sunday 1.15pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise Claire McCollum explores the Yorkshire Dales on a motortrike.
10pm (BBC2) Peter Taylor: My journey through the Troubles A BBC journalist gives his personal account of 50 years’ reporting from Northern Ireland.
RADIO: Friday 1.30pm (World Service) Heart and Soul Rachel O’Connell describes the year she spent with Orthodox nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Honorable Forerunner, Mount Kissavos, Greece.
Sunday 8.10am (R4) Sunday Worship A service marking the Edinburgh Festival, from Mayfield Salisbury Parish Church, Edinburgh.
3pm (R3) Choral Evensong A repeat of last week’s service from Edington Priory during the Edington Festival of Music Within the Liturgy.
Monday 11am (R4 FM) Three Vicars Talking The Revd Richard Coles, the Revd Kate Bottley, and Canon Giles Fraser discuss marriage (2/3).
4.30pm (R4 FM) Beyond Belief Ernie Rea and guests look at the part played by religion in Spanish history (7/8).
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3) Choral Evensong Live from St Alban’s, Holborn, in London.