JOHN C. LENNOX has written Can Science Explain Everything? (Good Book Company, with Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and Zacharias Institute, £7.99 (£7.20); 978-1-78498-411-3). The author of this short paperback is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford.
The Urban Myths of Popular Modern Atheism: How Christian faith can be intelligent by Paul E. Hill, a Reader with a background in teaching philosophy, addresses 25 such “urban myths” one by one in a work of apologetics which focuses on the arguments often made rather than attributing them to the specific thinkers, New Atheists and others, who have made them, and who are often, in the author’s view, in a muddle (Christian Alternative, £14.99 (£13.50); 978-1-78904-032-6).
Finding God in a Culture of Fear: Discovering hope in God’s kingdom by Joanne Cox-Darling, a Methodist minister, relates the hope of the gospel to the current age of anxiety, with examples (BRF, £8.99 (£8.10); 978-0-85746-646-4).