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Church Times
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Entries must be received by Friday 24 May.
Here is this week’s winner:
He liked his gloves so much he named them ‘Renewal’ and ‘Reform’ — Jeremy Fletcher
WE KNEW that this Archbishop was not one to shirk conflict — although we thought that he was more of a resolver of it than an instigator. He has got a lot to deal with, however:
- The Archbishop was preparing himself for the General Synod (Derek Wellman)
- Preparations for the next Primates’ Meeting are coming along nicely (Richard Crockett)
- Warming up for his next meeting with the head of GAFCON (John Hutchinson)
- In training for the 2020 Lambeth Conference (Richard Strudwick)
- One is a human punchbag — the other works at the gym (John Saxbee)
- His wife kept telling him there were more conventional ways of preparing for a PCC meeting (Ray Morris) (Or should that be “ACC meeting”? — Ed)
- Archbishops always box clever (Richard Hough)
- The training session on implementing the reforms to the Clergy Disciplinary Measure was going well (Michael Foster)
- I wish my other targets were as easy to hit as this (Ben Woods).
Some memorable puns this week (the caption competition wouldn’t be the same without them):
- They decided on a new way of presenting the story of Spar-tacus (Neil Inkley)
- Tae kwon do all things through Christ who strengthens me (David Stolton)
- I’ll knock you into (thy) Kingdom come! (Richard Martin)
- The Archbishop was hoping to pack a punch with his next sermon (Daphne Foster)
- I just can’t think of a punchline this week (Andy Berry)
- That may Welby a good punch, Archbishop (John Hall-Matthews)
- Archbishop Justin introduces his new processional entrance music: Eye of the Mitre (Dave Hover).
And some other entries that we enjoyed:
- To save further embarrassment, the Archbishop decided to knock himself out (Eric Lishman)
- OK, Archbishop, just imagine I’m the Devil and give me a left hook (Mervyn Cox)
- Is this what they mean by ‘Fight the good fight’, pondered the little girl (Lesley Cope)
- The Archbishop was in training to ‘Fight the good fight’ (Mark Parry)
- Following a busy Christmas, the Archbishop always enjoyed Boxing Day (Alison Parry)
- Archbishop administers the laying on of hands (Bryan Gadd)
- At last I’ve learned about muscular Christianity (Janet Stockton)
- Not many people know that the left hook was named after Richard Hooker, one of the most important English theologians of the 16th century (William Clocksin)
- He was training hard for the revival of the Church Militant (Stephen Disley)
- Representatives of the Archbishop were wondering when to tell him that the movie he’d agreed to appear in wasn’t The Three Creeds but was actually Creed 3 (Edward Martin).
As ever, the winner receives Fairtrade chocolate, courtesy of Divine Chocolate: www.divinechocolate.com.