IT IS a common complaint among Churchmen that their interests are not so well served by the Press as the interests of Roman Catholics and Nonconformists. Admitting the fact, we may suggest that the fault often lies with Churchmen themselves, rather than with the Press. A recent experience of our own may be cited in illustration. On March 25 or 28 a document of considerable interest to Churchmen was summarized in a daily paper, the more important passages were cited, and a leading article was devoted to it. Thereupon we offered our own comment. An esteemed correspondent suggested that it might be better to suspend judgment till we had the full text before us. We waited. This week, a full fortnight after the matter had been discussed in the daily Press, we have received the text of the document, which, we may add, contains nothing that calls for modification of our comment. It is our common experience to receive obituary notices several weeks after the death of their subjects, and records of events which have long ceased to be news; and we are often asked to print in our issue of Friday official documents which have gone the round of the daily Press on Monday or Tuesday. If Churchmen desire the Press to serve them it is not too much to ask that they should acquaint themselves with the main principles of journalistic practice. A little trouble expended in this direction would be worth far more than set debates at Church Congresses on the Church and the Press.
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