JOHN COX urges his readers not to pray lightly but to take on The Challenge of the Lord’s Prayer. He takes each phrase in turn and offers a thought on its meaning and then its application (Kevin Mayhew, £12.99 (£11.70); 978-1-84867-906-1).
Anne Le Tissier writes from her own experience for others who struggle with low self-esteem in The Mirror that Speaks Back: Jesus, she maintains, is the only mirror that reflects a perfect rather than flawed image (BRF, £7.99 (£7.20); 978-0-85746-635-8).
Michael Mitton likens the soul’s journey through life to the times of the year. His reflections, all based on biblical passages, link autumn to creating space, winter to discovery, spring to birth, and summer to flourishing; and the 28 themes covered include fear, death, infirmity, healing, awakening, holiday, and celebration. His book Seasoned by Seasons ends each chapter with a question for reflection and a very short prayer (BRF, £7.99 (£7.20); 978-0-85746-540-5).
Living Prayer by John Davey is a small book for those new to faith or struggling with their prayer life. The bulk of the book is actual prayers, but very brief introductions to prayer at different times of days, with the Psalms, liturgy, and the Lord’s Prayer, are also given (Sacristy Press, £5.99 (£5.40); 978-1-910519-61-5).