REALLY? A small book of sermons is a collection of addresses, no more than eight minutes long each, which have been preached by Marion Hinks in parish churches. They are arranged according to the church year, and follow lectionary readings (Authorhouse, £11. 95; 978-1-5246-6248-6).
What do the sovereignty and goodness of God mean when personal tragedy or wider disasters happen? Christopher Ash seeks to answer this and other related questions in the 95 pages of Where was God when that Happened? (The Good Book Company, £3.99 (£3.60); 978-1-91030-723-6).
I Believe: The promise of the Creed systematises Pope Francis’s teaching on the Apostles’ Creed, using writings, interviews, and sermons for its material. It has been translated by Robert Krieg (Orbis/Alban, £16.99 (£15.30); 978-1-62698-188-1).