The Revd Paul Hutchinson writes:
FURTHER to your obituary of the Very Revd Peter Haynes (Gazette, 23 March), he served his first curacy in the north of York diocese, with my predecessor-but-three, in Stokesley, from 1952 to 1954. Parish magazines record that his priesting took place at York Minster on Trinity Sunday, 31 May 1953, two days before the Coronation. On Coronation Day itself, church and chapel joined together for a United Family Service before the broadcast began, and Peter is recorded as saying “a few words to the children present”. It would seem to have been a very happy occasion.
Older parishioners have recalled the small house in which Peter lived (sold long ago), and also maintained contact with him over the decades. His time here may have been short, but he has been long remembered, and with affection.