ARNOLD. The Revd David Arnold, Priest-in-Charge of St George’s, Chorley, remaining Area Dean of Chorley, Vicar of Adlington, and Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands (Blackburn).
D’ESTERRE. The Revd Jennifer D’Esterre, NS Assistant Curate (Associate Priest) of St Katharine’s, Matson (Gloucester).
EVANS. The Revd Jonathan Evans, Vicar of Rye Park (St Albans): 30 April.
HUMPHREY. The Revd Alan Humphrey, Rector of Leicester Forest East (Leicester): 2 April.
HUNT. The Revd Philip Hunt, Clergy Retirement Officer (Blackburn).
JONES. The Revd Anthony Jones, house-for-duty Assistant Curate (Associate Priest) of Woolaston with Alvington and Aylburton (Gloucester).
MURRAY-PETERS. The Revd Nancy Murray-Peters, NSM (Associate Priest) of Peopleton and White Ladies Aston with Churchill and Spetchley and Upton Snodsbury and Broughton Hackett (Worcester): 28 February.
WIGLEY. The Revd Jennifer Wigley, Rector of Radyr, and Canon of Llandaff Cathedral (Llandaff): 31 July.
WILSON. The Revd Janet Wilson, Team Vicar in the Cheshunt Team Ministry, with special responsibility for St Clement’s, Turnford (St Albans): 3 September.