The Landscape of Faith: An explorer’s guide to the Christian creeds by Alister McGrath (SPCK, £16.99 (£14.99); 978-0-281-07625-3).
“Alister McGrath is one of the world's leading Christian theologians. In this new book, he tells of his discovery of Christianity while a student at Oxford University, and takes readers on a panoramic tour of the landscape of the Christian faith.”
Breathing Deep: Life in the spirit of Easter by Ian Adams (Canterbury Press, £8.99 (£8.10); 978-1-78622-011-0).
“Breathe Deep combines words and images to create a gentle yet profound guide to seeing the world in the power of the resurrection. Ian Adams draws on the Gospel stories of the resurrection of Jesus to create 40 'invitations', each one offering a path for the resurrection to reshape how we live.”
The Franciscan Saints by Robert Ellsberg (Franciscan Media, £14.95 (£13.50); 978-1-63253-194-0).
“Reading Robert Ellsberg's profiles of holy men and women is like throwing open a window in a stuffy old church and taking in great gulps of fresh air. He broadens the traditional vision of sanctity and calls modern readers of all stripes to claim their potential for moral and spiritual growth, courage and action.”
God be in my Mouth: 40 ways to grow as a preacher by Doug Gay (Saint Andrew Press, £14.99 (£13.50); 978-0-86153-996-3).
“Based on a decade's experience of preparing ministry students to become preachers and his own experience as one of today's most gifted preachers, Doug Gay offers an imaginative, practical and inspiring guide for all who are privileged with the task of preaching.”
Poetry Comic No.1: Pictures to tell a story of our time in poetry and paint by Claire Pinney (£8.99; 978-1-97808676-0; copies available from Church House Bookshop).
“This beautifully illustrated book is an introduction to the poetry and paintings of Claire Pinney. Claire creates pictures to tell a story of our time, both in poetry and in paint, of life as she perceives it but with a gentle twist that reflects on some of the little absurdities and ironies of the human condition.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.