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Have a go at the Church Times caption competition, and read the previous winner and top entries

14 September 2018

winchester cathedral

Have a go at our next caption competition (above) and win a prize of Fairtrade chocolate!

Email your entries to: captioncompetition@churchtimes.co.uk

or send by post (postcards only) to:

Caption Competition
Church Times
108-114 Golden Lane

London EC1Y 0TG

Entries must be received by Friday 21 September.

Here is the winner from our last caption-competition photo of the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Revd John Davies, being introduced to a cow:

church in waleschurch in wales

Bydd yr Arglwydd gyda chwi” (The Lord be with you) the Archbishop said. Overawed by meeting an archbishop, Daisy spluttered:“Dudw i ddim yn ddafad, dwi’n fuwch” (“I’m not a ewe, I’m a cow”)

Nicholas Varnon

The picture prompted a flurry of puns:

  • It was a case of déjà moo for the Archbishop and the bullock (John Radford)
  • Bishop shares the Good Moos (Donald Wetherick)
  • He moos and I muse! (Janet Stockton)
  • Archbishop John, have you herd my strategy for moo-ving the rural church forward? I’ve been ruminating on it for some time, and I really think it cud reach the grass-roots and be udder moo-ving the rural church forward? udder-ly brilliant! (Che R. Seabourne)
  • Holy cow? (David Griffiths)
  • The Archbishop had second thoughts on the invitation to lunch ‘on the hoof’ (Chris Coupe)
  • Just one more thing, Bishop: that Epistle to the Friesians. . . (Caroline Shuttleworth).
  • All in white, pulling a crowd, and even an Archbishop deferring — could this be a papal bull? (John Saxbee)
  • Is this a papal bull? (Peter Bacon)
  • The Bishop had often wondered what a papal bull looked like (David Nash)
  • Inscruta-bull (Alison Rollin)
  • Since Apostolicae Curae he had lost interest in bulls (Edward Mynors)
  • OK. I know I said I always take the bull by the horns, but how do you expect me to do it with this one? (Daphne Foster)
  • When Barry said he’d leave everything, lock, stock, and barrel, David didn’t realise he meant livestock (Sue Chick).

A couple of readers headed straight to the Old Testament:

  • Ezekiel 4.15 suddenly gave the Archbishop a better idea (John Pearson)
  • Pure white, first prize — it must be without blemish. Ready for the barbecue! Er, I mean burnt offering. (Lev. 1.3) (Jill Boal).

Some other entries that amused us:

  • The Archbishop was wondering where he could discreetly clean his shoes before choral evensong (Patrick Irwin)
  • If that rosette is what I think it is, Corbyn is getting desperate (Ian Barge)
  • They often likened his preaching unto a prize Charolais (Richard Barnes)
  • How to look interested at the 20th prizewinning bull was a real skill, Bishop Davies decided (Vicky Lundberg)
  • ‘Blest cow, beneficent beast, who gives the most but takes the least,’ murmured the Bishop (Richard Strudwick)
  • The police chaplain’s email was meant to ask the Archbishop to pray for the Old Bill (Ray Morris)
  • I’m just wondering which of the Chapter it reminds me of (Richard Hough)
  • No wonder the Archbishop of Wales was looking puzzled — he thought he’d been asked to promote Welsh lamb (Michael Foster)
  • Bishop, this is our proposed methane supply for the new eco-friendly boilers we are having fitted (Ian Raynor)
  • The show judges were dismayed to discover that their chosen winner in the sacred cow class was, in fact, a bull (Christopher Tookey)
  • Right there in front of him were at least three ideas for dealing with difficult clergy (Corin Child)
  • Buttercup hoped that the final applicant for Rural Affairs Adviser would be able to answer her question properly (John Appleby)
  • And do you actually think we’ll get the fatted calf into the cathedral for the Harvest Service? (Lynda Sebbage).

As always, the winner receives a prize of Fairtrade chocolate, courtesy of Divine: divinechocolate.com.

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Thu 20 Apr @ 16:08
The Archbishop of Canterbury has received the specially commissioned King James Bible that will be presented to Kin… https://t.co/u8LMnSFcfV

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