THE Primus of the Scottish Church, the Moderators of the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church, and the Archbishop of Edinburgh and St Andrews have addressed to the President of the Board of Trade a joint letter asking for reconsideration of the present restriction on the use of petrol which forbids owners of cars using them to go to church. Sir Albert Stanley has replied that he cannot alter his previous decision. The Scottish Chronicle has a trenchant leading article on the matter. It points out that some of those who were deeply stirred by the Prime Minister’s appeal for the prayers and intercessions of the Church have themselves been haled before the magistrates, and given the alternative of paying a heavy fine or going to prison for the heinous crime of motoring to the house of God. On March 23 a large number of motor-cars travelled to and from Gatwick races, while the police looked the other way. On March 25 Lady Spencer Churchill was fined £5 at Windsor for motoring to Clewer church. One lady may motor ten miles to make a trifling purchase, another may not motor a mile to make her Easter communion. Moreover, while an owner may not use his own car, he may hire one from a garage for the purpose. There is no question of asking for more petrol, but only of a reasonable liberty in using the rationed supply. We gather that the distinguished Scotsmen who have taken up the matter do not intend to let it drop; they ought not to be left without support from England.
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