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Consecration of bishops

10 August 2018

Write, if you have any answers to the questions listed at the end of this section, or to add to the answers given below


In St Paul’s, the new Bishop of Bristol was presented not by two or three bishops, but by the Archbishop of York and by a lay and a clergy representative from the diocese. This, in particular the lay involvement, was a powerful visual symbol; why doesn’t it happen more often?

Your answers: The questioner notes that the Bishop of Bristol was presented by a lay and clerical representative of the diocese, as well as the Archbishop of York, her “sending” bishop. This practice, for a diocesan bishop, is what is recommended in the “Notes to the Ordination of a Bishop” in Common Worship: Ordination Services.

Perhaps the reason that it does not happen more often is that the visual memory of bishops’ being presented by other bishops is so powerful, and it takes time to change a tradition that was required up to a decade ago.

As Precentor of York when the Common Worship rites were authorised, I gently suggested the possibility at the consecrations that it was my privilege to facilitate. It didn’t happen often, and I wished it had happened more. I’m glad it did so at the consecration of the former Dean of York as bishop.

(The Revd) Jeremy Fletcher

London NW3


Your questions: What is the authority of the General Synod of the Church of England? Is it greater than an ecumenical council such as Nicaea, AD 325? Is it able to contradict or overrule holy scripture? What or who is the final arbiter of doctrine in the C of E? P. W.


Address for answers and more questions: Out of the Question, Church Times, 3rd floor, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG.


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