THE Way of Gratitude: Readings for a joyful life is an anthology of stories, poems, letters, reflections, and prayers from a wide range of authors, including Henry Nouwen, J. K. Rowling, e. e. cummings, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, compiled by Michael Leach, James Keane, and Doris Goodnough (Orbis/Alban, £14.99 (£13.50); 978-1-62698-232-1).
The Fátima Prayer is often prayed at the end of each decade of the rosary. In O My Jesus, Stephen Bullivant and Luke Arrendondo explore its meaning, and add a guide to praying the rosary (Paulist Press, £7.99 (£7.20); 978-0-8091-5334-3).