BARKER. — On 31 May, the Rt Revd Clifford Conder Barker: Vicar of Sculcoates (1957-63); Chaplain to the Forces (Territorial Army) (1958-74); Curate-in-Charge of St Silas’s, Sculcoates (1959-61); Vicar of Rudby-in-Cleveland with Middleton (1963-70); Rural Dean of Stokesley (1965-70); Vicar of St Olave with St Giles, York (1970-76); Rural Dean of York (1971-75); Canon of York Minster (1973-76); Suffragan Bishop of Whitby (1976- 83); Selby (1983-91); Hon. Assistant Bishop of York since 1995; aged 91.
CAIRD. — On 1 June, the Rt Revd Professor Donald Arthur Richard Caird: Assistant Master and Chaplain of Portora Royal School (1954-57); Lecturer in Philosophy of St David’s College, Lampeter (1957-58); Rector of Rathmichael (1960-69); Deputy Lecturer in Philosophy of Trinity College, Dublin (1962-63); Lecturer in the Philosophy of Religion of the Divinity Hostel, Dublin (1965-69); Dean of Ossory, Canon of Leighlin Cathedral, and Rector of Kilkenny (1969-70); Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert & Aghadoe (1970- 76); Meath & Kildare (1976-85); Archbishop of Dublin, and Prebendary of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin (1985-96); Visiting Professor of the General Theological Seminary, New York, since 1997; aged 91.
de la BAT SMIT. — On 22 May, the Revd Dr Reynaud de la Bat Smit: Chaplain of St Hild and St Bede’s College, Durham (1985-96); Cheltenham College (1996-2011); Secretary of the Churches’ Peace Forum of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (1997-2002); aged 67.
GAWITH. — On 7 May, the Revd Alan Gawith: Curate-in-Charge of St James’s Conventional District, Owton Manor, West Hartlepool (1961-67); Vicar of St George’s, Kendal (1967-74); Manchester Diocesan Social Responsibility Officer (1974-89); Hon. Canon of Manchester Cathedral (1982-89); Bishop’s Adviser on AIDS (1988-92); aged 92.
HODGSON. — On 20 May, the Revd Kenneth Jonah Hodgson: Assistant Curate of Fazakerley, in charge of St George’s (1972-74); Team Vicar in the Fazakerley Team Ministry (1974-79); Social Worker (1978-96); Chaplain to the Forces (79-82); Assistant Curate of St Hilary’s, Wallasey (2001-03); aged 81.
SMOUT. — On 26 May, the Revd Francis David James Smout: NSM of St Ebba’s, Eyemouth, since 2003; aged 80.
Correction. The Revd Hugh Gordon Cassels Lee was Rector or Priest-in-Charge of St James’s, Muthill, apparently in 1986 only, and not as stated on 26 May. Crockford wish to apologise for the error.