WHEELER. — On 20 June, the Revd Graham John Wheeler: Assistant Curate of Highcliffe with Hinton Admiral (1979-83); St Mary Magdalene’s, Milton (1983-90); Priest-in-Charge of St Ambrose’s, Bournemouth (1990-2006); aged 78.
WHITE. — On 31 May, the Revd Christine Margaret White: OLM of Cuddington (2007-16); aged 71.
WHITE. – On 3 July, the Revd Roy Sidney White: Vicar of St Andrew’s, Croydon (1972-78); Director of Archbishop Coggan’s Training and Service Centre (1978-85); Hon. Canon of Southwark Cathedral (1985-91); Vice-Provost and Residentiary Canon of Southwark Cathedral (1991-99); aged 83.