CRUICKSHANK. — On 28 May, the Revd Jonathan Graham Cruickshank: Chaplain of Royal Naval Reserve (1980-83); Team Vicar in the Burnham with Dropmore, Hitcham and Taplow Team Ministry (1982-83); Royal Navy Chaplain (1983-89); Team Vicar in the New Windsor Team Ministry (1989-2001); Corps Chaplain of the Sea Cadet Corps (1995-2010); Rector of Itchen Valley (2001-09); Rural Dean of Alresford (2001-09); Rector of Newton Ferrers with Revelstoke (2009-11); Priest-in-Charge of Holbeton (2009); Vicar (2009-11); Vicar of St Peter-in-Thanet (2011-15); Minister of Harvest New Anglican Church (2012-15); Vicar of Mamble with Bayton, Rock with Heightington with Far Forest since 2015; aged 65.
NICHOLAS. — On 18 June, the Revd Patrick Nicholas: Chaplain of St John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong (1968-74); Assistant Curate of St Mary’s, Portsea (1975); Head of House of St Christopher’s Fellowship, Chiswick (1976-79); Department of Social Services of Gloucestershire County Council (1979-92); Probation Officer of the Gloucestershire Probation Service (1992-97); Chaplain of St John’s College, Hong Kong (1997-2000); aged 80.