THE sartorial gags came in thick and fast this week: “Archbishop, do you think we might swap designer labels?” (Ian Barge); “I see the decade of austerity hasn’t affected your wardrobe either” (Richard Barnes); “Your splendid cope gives me ideas for the new curtains at Kensington Palace” (Richard Hough); “And I believe you got your fascinator from J. Wippell — although I’m sure other stockists were available” (Nicholas Varnon).
Some thought the archiepiscopal mitre had caught the Duchess’s attention: “For my next hat I’m thinking of asking for one in your design” (Avril Rhodes); “The duchess could barely contain her glee that she was not the only one wearing a silly hat” (David Chamberlin); “And I thought my hat looked silly! Someone call the fashion police” (Andrew Greenhough); “Oh, yes, let’s change hats. I fancy myself as a duchess, and you can have a go at running the Church of England’’ (Peter Walker); “hTe meringue and the split-tin loaf are among the finalists at this year’s Food Hat Awards” (Don Manley).
And, of course, news of a third royal baby was not far from the minds of some readers: “I think I’ll be keeping you busy, Archbishop” (Chris Coupe); “I’m sorry — how many weeks would we need to attend before you would baptise my baby?” (Andrew Greenhough); “A meringue on her head and a bun in the oven?” (Peter Rivers); “I know you’re in the Pudding Club again, but that doesn’t mean you have to wear a meringue on your head!” (David Wilbourne); “I’m pregnant. What’s your excuse?” (Sue Chick); “It’s a Brexit baby. We don’t know the sex and we don’t know the date, but we do know it’s a baby” (Patrick Irwin); “She was determined to get him into a church school” (Edward Mynors).
Some other entries that we liked: “‘It’s like the Boat Race’, he thought to himself, “Cambridge out in front again” (John Saxbee); “Perhaps, Kate, you could come back as Mary for our nativity play this year” (Peter Sebbage); “And what do you do?” (Eric Lishman).
There is one winner this week, who will receive our prize of Fairtrade chocolate. Thanks to Divine for once more providing it (