Fierce Imaginings: The Great War, ritual, memory and God by Rachel Mann (DLT, £12.99 (£11.70); 978-0-232-53278-4).
"A lyrical and very personal story of remembrance, faith, family and identity shaped by the chaos and trauma wrought by the Great War and the flux in early twentieth century Europe."
God Created Humanism: The Christian basis of secular values by Theo Hobson (SPCK, £16.99 (£15.30); 978-0-281-07742-7).
"A compelling account of the Christian values that underpin our public morality, showing how faith remains indispensable to western humanism, and how atheistic humanism represents a dead end."
Rational Faith: A philosopher’s defence of Christianity by Stephen T. Davis (Lion, £9.99 (£9); 978-0-7459-8006-5).
"Renowned philosopher Stephen Davis argues that belief in God is indeed a rational and intellectually sound endeavor. Drawing on a lifetime of rigorous reflection and critical thinking, he explores perennial and contemporary challenges to Christian faith."
Revelations of Glory: Prayers for saints’ days by David Adam (Kevin Mayhew, £24.99 (£22.50); 978-1-84867-891-0).
"Saints are people who work in common union with God and he is seen at work in their lives. This book is to introduce you to some of the people who are heroes of the Church and are revelations of God’s glory."
The Bumper Book of Resources: All-age worship, edited by John Cox (Kevin Mayhew, £32.99 (£29.70); 978-1-84867-880-4). With CD-ROM.
"This Bumper Book (together with its companion volumes) draws together material from a wide range of sources and a number of top authors to create an invaluable resource for anyone seeking help with prayers, services, sermon ideas and illustrative material both for general and all-age worship, that covers the major festivals of the Christian year."
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop