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Review of 2017: deaths

21 December 2017


Former Archbishop of Dublin: Dr Samuel Poyntz

Former Archbishop of Dublin: Dr Samuel Poyntz

THE Most Revd Brown Turei, Primate of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, died in January. Two former Archbishops of Dublin, the Rt Revd Dr Samuel Poyntz and the Rt Revd Professor Donald Caird, also died during the year.

Other deaths recorded among the episcopate were those of the Rt Revd John Wraw, Area Bishop of Bradwell; the Rt Revd John Salt OGS, former Bishop of St Helena; the Rt Revd Michael Whinney, former Bishop of Southwell; the Rt Revd Keith Sutton, former Bishop of Lichfield; the Rt Revd Michael Henshall, former Suffragan Bishop of Warrington; the Rt Revd Michael Perham, former Bishop of Glou­cester; the Rt Revd David Thomas, former Provincial Assistant Bishop in Wales; the Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell, former Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe; and the Rt Revd Michael Manktelow, former Suffragan Bishop of Basingstoke.


DEATHS recorded among the clergy included those of the Revd Eric Greer, Vicar of St Peter’s, Grange Park; the Revd Dr Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill; the Very Revd Dr James Rigney, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, New­­castle, Aus­tralia; the Revd John Higman, Rec­tor of Peter Tavy and Mary Tavy; the Revd Susan Kent, Rector of Upper Weardale; Canon Lisa Eunson, Rec­tor of St Ternan’s, Ban­­chory, and of Christ Church, Kincardine O’Neil; the Revd Simon Glynn, Vicar of Burscough Bridge; Canon Martyn Neale, Vicar of Hawley and of Minley; the Revd Alan Currie, NSM of Hexham; the Revd Susan Wicks, Vicar of Har­­raby.

The Revd Trevor Patterson, Area Dean of Richmond and Barnes; the Revd Christine Chambers, Vicar of Christ Church, Thames View; Canon Simon Pothen, Precentor of Chelm­s­ford Cathedral; the Revd Gareth Bevan, NSM in Preston; the Revd Andrew France, Vicar of Ears­don and Back­worth.

The Very Revd Robert Jeffery, former Dean of Worcester Cathed­ral; the Revd Herbert Edwards, former lecturer of Lichfield Theo­logical College; the Ven. Howard Levett, former Arch­deacon in Egypt; the Ven. Timothy Raphael, former Arch­deacon of Mid­­­­dlesex; Canon Gavin White, lecturer and author; the Revd Peter Davies, former school chaplain; Canon Kenyon Wright, former General Secretary of the Scottish Council of Churches; Canon Henry Evans, former War­den of Launde Abbey; the Revd David Tudor, tram-lover and noted Anglo-Catholic priest; the Revd Richard Buck, former Vicar of St Mary’s, Primrose Hill.

The Revd Dr Marilyn McCord Adams, former Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford; Canon Wilfrid Bro­­wn­ing, formerly of Christ Church, Oxford, pioneer of NSM formation; the Revd Dr Donald Gordon, long-serving NSM of Latchingdon; the Revd Dr Kenneth Wilson, first Director of Research at the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham; the, Revd John Masding, long-serving Vicar of St Paul’s, Hamstead, and founder of the English Clergy Association; the Revd Nicolas Stacey, former Rector of Woolwich and social-work administrator; the Revd Elizabeth Tyndall, among the first women deacons; the Revd John Meacham, former Secretary of the Doctrine Commission.

The Very Revd Dr Wesley Carr, former Dean of Westminster; Canon Brian Fessey, former ecumenist; Canon David Rogers, noted priest in Worcestershire; the Very Revd John Petty, former Provost and Dean of Coventry; Canon Julian Charley, former Vicar of Great Malvern Priory; Canon Bill Hall, former Chaplain to the Arts in the North-East; Canon Christopher Byworth, former tutor and liturgist; Prebendary John Pearce, Evangel­ical former parish priest in London; Canon Michael Swindlehurst, for 25 years Vicar of Bright­lingsea.

The Revd Robert Norwood, former schoolmaster; Canon Adrian Carey, former radio producer; the Ven. John Perry, former Arch­deacon of Mid­­­dlesex; Canon John Foskett, first full-time chaplain of the Maudsley Hospital; Canon Peter Whiteside, former head­master; Canon Richard Norburn, founder of St Nicholas Hospice Care; the Revd Harold Ni­­­chol­­son, priest in Spelthorne dean­ery; the Revd David Howell, prom­inent in the healing ministry.


DEATHS among the laity noted during the year included those of Oswald Clark, Anglo-Catholic synods­man; Jill Saward, cam­­paigner against sexual violence; Dr Hugh Sansom, meteor­o­­logist and Reader; Sir Brian Young, former Director-General of the IBA; Geoffrey Cleaver, teacher; Rachel Boulding, Deputy Editor of the Church Times; John Madeley, en­­viron­mental cam­paigner; Pauline Webb, former WCC official and broadcaster.


John Miles, former C of E Chief Press Officer; Rhodri Morgan, former Welsh First Min­ister; James Dalton, organist; Sister Margaret Dewey SSM, mission organiser and pam­­phletist; His Honour Michael Good­man, former Diocesan Chan­cel­lor of Guildford, Lincoln, and Ro­­chester, Vicar-Gen­eral of Canter­bury, and chairman of the Ecclesi­astical Judges Associa­tion.

Irina Ratushinskaya, poet and for­­mer Soviet dissident; Myrtle Hall, former CMS missionary; Harry Blamires, apologist and literary critic; Dr Bernard Palmer, former editor and pro­prietor of the Church Times; Francis Bassett, Assist­ant Sec­­retary of the Council for Chris­­tian Unity.


THE deaths also occurred of Car­dinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, former Archbishop of Westminster; Monsignor Augustine Hoey, centenarian, former Member of the Community of the Resurrection; the Revd Dr John Newton, Meth­odist minister and ecumenist; and Dr Una Kroll, former Anglican cam­paigner for women’s ordina­tion, who had been ordained but had later entered the RC Church.

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