ARCIC meeting a ‘considerable step forward’
A NEW statement on Anglican and Roman Catholic ecclesiology, Walking Together on the Way: Learning to be Church — Local, Regional, Universal, to be known as The Erfurt Document, will be published next year. It is the outcome of the latest meeting of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC), which took place in Erfurt, Germany, this month.
Justin Trudeau asks Pope to apologise
THE Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has asked the Pope to make an apology for the way in which indigenous children were treated in the “residential schools” run by the Roman Catholic Church in Canada. “I told him how important it is for Canadians to move forward on real reconciliation with the indigenous peoples,” Mr Trudeau, a Roman Catholic, said on Tuesday. The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement gave rise to a nationwide Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and both the Canadian government and the Anglican Church have issued formal apologies (News, 9 December).
Accused distance themselves from wrongdoing
FOUR men who served as trustees of Harare diocese under Nolbert Kunonga, the excommunicated former Bishop, have denied being involved in the sale of shares after Mr Kunonga had led the diocese into a schism, the Zimbabwean newspaper The Herald reported last week. The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe has upheld a High Court order that Mr Kunonga pay more than £340,000, plus interest and fees, to the Church of the Province of Central Africa, in compensation (News, 24 March and 18 October 2007).