BOYLING. — On 7 June, the Revd Denis Hudson Boyling: Chaplain of King’s College Hospital (1946-49); United Sheffield Hospitals (1949-57); Vicar of St Augustine’s, Sheffield (1957-58); Hon. Canon of Sheffield Cathedral (1958-68); Vicar of Almondbury (1968-75); Rural Dean of Almondbury (1968-75); Hon. Canon of Wakefield Cathedral (1972-75); Canon Residentiary (1975-82); aged 100.
CARTER. — On 25 May, the Revd Michael William Carter: OLM of Lingfield and Crowhurst (2001-04); aged 83.
HART. — On 6 June, the Revd Edwin Joseph Hart: Minister of St Luke’s Ecclesiastical District, Cranham Park (1961-69); Vicar of Cranham Park (1969-71); Rector of Markfield with Stanton-under-Borden (1971-89); aged 96.
PORTER. — On 2 May, the Revd Susan Patricia June Porter: NSM of Wilton with Netherhampton and Fugglestone (2003-05 and 2009-11); Salisbury Cathedral (2005-08); aged 63.
ROWELL. — On 11 June, the Rt Revd Dr Douglas Geoffrey Rowell: Assistant Chaplain of New College, Oxford (1968-72); Fellow and Chaplain of Keble College (1972-94); Canon and Prebendary of Chichester Cathedral (1981-2001); Suffragan Bishop of Basingstoke (1994-2001); Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe (2001-13); Hon. Assistant Bishop of Chichester since 2013; Hon. Assistant Bishop of Portsmouth since 2015; aged 74.