A picture of the Bishop of Leeds at the cutting edge prompted a flurry of suggestions from readers. Sadly, we had space for only a few.
For some, it brought to mind recent events: “‘It was very kind of the Dean to arrange such a lively welcome,’ thought the Bishop” (Bridget Swan); “The Dean and Chapter responded to the Bishop’s Visitation” (Richard Barnes).
PCC members also felt the need to chime in: “The PCC of St Agnants was never overly enthusiastic about the Bishop’s Visitations” (George Frost); “The PCC were daggers drawn with the diocese over the increase in the parish share” (Elizabeth Reed).
Some thought the Bishop was struggling with sermon preparation: ”I wanted to find a sharp illustration of the Holy Trinity” (Janet Stockton); ”Why hadn’t he stuck with shamrocks like last Trinity Sunday?” (Richard Barnes); “His ‘swords into ploughshares’ sermon was not going well” (John Saxbee).
Some could not resist a pun: “I said I like jewels!” (Tom Page); “The sword proved mitre-r to the men” (Richard Strudwick); “This makes episcopal cuts more likely” (Janet Stockton).Some local entries: “In Yorkshire, we have ways of making you talk” (Richard Hough); “OK, I admit I come from Liverpool, but I’m a Leeds man now (Susan Chick).
More entries at random: “Somehow, the liturgies for the Solemn Reception of a Bishop and Burns Night had got muddled up” (John Radford); “For their ‘Crossing swords’ module, new bishops were instructed by a master” (Jeremy Fletcher); “What exactly is the penalty for failing to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine?” (Andrew Greenhough); “St Botolph’s was determined to re-enact the Reformation executions in defiance of the Archbishop’s statement” (Andrew Greenhough).
One reader this week wins a supply of Fairtrade chocolate, kindly donated by Divine (divinechocolate.com).