HIGHLIGHT: This Old Heart of Mine Canon Giles Fraser goes in search of people who can help him to understand the workings of the human heart (1-5/5).
Monday to Friday 1.45pm Radio 4
TELEVISION: Friday 8pm (Nat Geographic) The Surgery Ship Volunteer doctors and nurses on a Mercy Ship visit remote areas of Benin.
Sunday 4.15pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise: Gospel Choir of the Year Final Five choirs compete for the title at Westminster Central Hall (2/2).
Tuesday 9pm (C4) Finding Me a Family Ten children meet would-be parents on an adoption activity day.
RADIO: Sunday 7am (R2) Good Morning Sunday Clare Balding’s guests include the Archbishop of Canterbury.
8.10am (R4 FM) Sunday Worship. A live morning service for the first Sunday of Advent.
9.30am (World Service) Heart and Soul A look at the dangers of calling yourself an atheist in Pakistan.
3pm (R3) Advent Carol Service from St John’s College, Cambridge.
9pm (R3) Drama on 3: The Devil’s Passion A hell’s-eye view that offers a fresh perspective on the Passion of Christ. David Suchet plays Satan.
Monday 9am (R4 FM) Start the Week Andrew Marr chairs a discussion about Russia, religion, and the Middle East.
Monday 4.30pm (R4) Beyond Belief (R4) Ernie Rea and guests discuss swearing oaths in court (4/8).
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3) Choral Evensong Live from Keble College, Oxford.