New Dean of Lincoln
THE Archdeacon of Chesterfield, in the diocese of Derby, the Ven. Christine Wilson, is to be the next Dean of Lincoln. Archdeacon Wilson, who is 58, served in parish ministry in the diocese of Chichester and has been a member of the General Synod and one of the eight female participant observers of the House of Bishops. She will be installed on 22 October.
European Court upholds headscarf ban
EMPLOYERS can ban the wearing of headscarves, the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice ruled this week. The ruling follows the dismissal of Samira Achbita by G4S Secure Solutions. It states that, although such a ban may constitute indirect discrimination, this may be justified “in order to enforce a legitimate policy of religious and ideological neutrality pursued by the employer in the company concerned, in so far as the principle of proportionality is observed in that regard. . . While an employee cannot ‘leave’ his sex, skin colour, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or disability ‘at the door’ upon entering his employer’s premises, he may be expected to moderate the exercise of his religion in the workplace, be this in relation to religious practices, religiously motivated behaviour or (as in the present case) his clothing.”
Fund-raising effort to expand money-advice network
A PROGRAMME to build a nationwide network to help people to take action on money and debt was due to be launched this week by the Church of England’s Just Finance Network (formerly the Church Credit Champions Network), managed by the Church Urban Fund. More than 260 volunteers, “credit champions”, have been trained in a pilot scheme to help people learn budgeting skills and to expand credit unions. More than 300 churches are already involved. A fundraising appeal to support the expansion has been launched.
Man charged after late wife’s jewellery stolen
A MAN has been charged in connection with a burglary during which jewellery belonging to the late wife of the Vicar of St Mary’s, Islington, the Revd Simon Harvey, was stolen. Mr Harvey published a photo on social media in a bid to trace the burglar and recover the jewellery, which included a ring that he had given to his wife when they were teenage sweethearts. He described the theft as “like a real body blow” after the loss of his wife nine weeks previously.
Alarm sounded by Iona Community
LEADERS of the Iona Community have warned that it will require investment of £2.5 million to survive. The abbey, a popular destination for pilgrims, was struggling to meet “the expectations and challenges of the present day”, they wrote in a submission to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. “Failure to carry out the urgent works required will undoubtedly place the Iona Community’s presence on Iona in serious doubt. The impact of this on the island community of Iona would be catastrophic.”
David Bryant, priest and writer, dies, aged 79
THE Revd David Bryant, a long-time contributor to the Church Times, died on Monday, aged 79. His book Glimpses of Glory: The Mowbray Lent Book 2017 will be published in November. His reflections on a terminal diagnosis can be read in Features, 11 September. Obituary to follow
Clarification: the Rt Revd Susan Goff will not be taking part in ordinations in the diocese of Liverpool, as stated on the diocesan website, but will be preaching at the service.