THIS weekend, all those in training for the C of E priesthood will join in the Easter celebrations, whether in their home parishes or on assignment.
All will share the Easter joy; but, for a few, the threat of an ongoing or impending financial struggle will cast a shadow over the celebrations.
This is where the Train-A-Priest (TAP) Fund helps out. Besides providing a basic TAP grant to many of those in training, your donations help to build up the Special Hardship Fund. Any ordinand who experiences unforeseen money troubles can apply for assistance from this part of the TAP Fund. Last year, your donations helped 41 ordinands.
But TAP can only continue helping in this way if it has enough funds. Even now, the Ministry Division, which disburses the funds, can often give only a portion of the money needed.
As you know, we at the Church Times seldom make direct appeals. But we see the good that past donations have done, and so we say: please give to TAP this year, and continue the good work with the next generation of priests.
How to give
WE STILL take cheques, postal orders, cash, and charity cheques. But giving online is easiest for many donors, and for us. Simply visit This is a secure page with clear instructions.
Please send other donations to: TAP Fund, Church Times, 13a Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich NR6 5DR. If you would like an acknowledgement, please enclose a SAE. To earmark all or part of a donation for the Special Hardship Fund, please use a covering note.
UK taxpayers can boost their gift by making a Gift Aid declaration. Please do this on our online donations page, or by enclosing the form on page 8 of the Church Times.
Spread the word
PLEASE encourage other people to give to TAP, too. A colour leaflet can be downloaded from the Church Times website; and we encourage churches to hold a special collection or fund-raising effort. Please let us know about your support, and your stories, if you are doing so: we like to mention them in the Church Times.