MORSHEAD. — On 15 March, the Revd Ivo Francis Trelawny Morshead: Assistant Curate of Wimbledon, in charge of St John the Baptist’s (1968-73); Vicar of Elham (1973-78); Whitchurch (1978-91); aged 88.
SMITH. — On 11 March, the Revd Brian Godfrey Smith: Vicar of Wortley (1972-76); Chaplain in Costa Del Sol, Europe (1976-81); of St Paul’s, Estoril, Gibraltar (1981-84); Vicar of Worfield (1984-89); aged 91.
TREANOR. — On 20 March, the Revd Desmond Victor Treanor: Vicar of St Stephen’s, Llansdown Walcot (1959-66); St Werburgh’s, Derby (1966-68); St Anne’s, Leicester (1968-75); St Mary’s, Humberstone (1975-86); Hon. Canon of Leicester Cathedral (1978-93); Priest-in-Charge of St Elizabeth’s, Nether Hall, Leicester (1981-86); Rural Dean of Christianity North (1982-86); Rector of Great Bowden with Welham, Glooston and Cranoe (1986-93); Rural Dean of Gartree I (1988-93); aged 87.