HOWES. — On 7 May, the Revd William John Laurence Howes: Hon. Assistant Curate of Lexden (2000-04); Coggeshall with Markshall (2004-11); aged 69.
JEFFREE. — On 10 May, the Revd Robin Jeffree: Vicar of Manea (1962-67); Hartford (1967-83); Rector of Denver, and Vicar of Ryston with Roxham, and of West Dereham (1983-94); aged 87.
LEEMING. — On 5 May, the Revd Janice Doreen Leeming: Hon. Assistant Curate of Lenton (2000-06); All Souls and St Peter, Radford (2006-13); aged 70.
NINEHAM. — On 8 May, the Revd Professor Dennis Eric Nineham: Assistant Chaplain of the Queen’s College, Oxford (1944-46); Chaplain and Fellow (1946-54); Professor of Biblical and Historical Theology of King’s College, London (1954-58); Select Preacher of the University of Oxford (1945-55); Professor of Divinity of the University of London (1958-64); Select Preacher of the University of Cambridge (1959); Fellow of King’s College, London since 1963; Regius Professor of Divinity, and Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (1964-69); Warden of Keble College, Oxford (1969-79); Hon. Fellow since 1980; Hon. Canon of Bristol Cathedral (1980-86); Professor of Theology of the University of Bristol (1980-86) aged 94.