David B. Burrell, Carlo Cogliati, Janet M. Soskice and William R. Stoeger (eds.), Creation and the God of Abraham (CUP, 2010) — not introductory, but a tremendous collection of essays.
Ian McFarland, From Nothing: A theology of creation (Westminster John Knox, 2014) — again, not for the complete beginner.
John Mustol, Dusty Earthlings: Living as eco-physical beings in God’s eco-physical world (Cascade, 2012)
Simon Oliver, Creation: A guide for the perplexed (Bloomsbury, 2016) – be ready to get it hot off the press.
John Webster, “‘Love Is Also a Lover of Life’: Creatio ex nihilo and creaturely goodness”, Modern Theology 29 (2013) — a rare journal article on this list, it is terrific.
Theology and philosophy
Diogenes Allen and Eric Springsted, Philosophy for Understanding Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2007)
Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen, Christian Philosophy: A systematic and narrative introduction (Baker, 2013) – an evangelical perspective.
Kelly James Clark, Richard Lints and James K. A. Smith, 101 Key Terms in Philosophy and Their Importance for Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2009)
Andrew Davison, The Love of Wisdom: An introduction to philosophy for Theologians (SCM, 2013)
Pierre-Marie Emonet, The Dearest Freshness Deep Down Things, The Greatest Marvel of Nature, and God Seen in the Mirror of the World (Crossroad, 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively) — three rather mystical explorations.
Brian Hebblethwaite, Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine (Blackwell, 2005)
Alasdair MacIntyre, God, Philosophy, Universities: A selective history of the Catholic philosophical tradition (Continuum, 2009)
Anthony Meredith, Christian Philosophy in the Early Church (T&T Clark, 2012)
Theology and science
John Hedley Brooke, Science and Religion: Some historical perspectives (CUP, 1991)
Tom McLeish, Faith and Wisdom in Science (OUP, 2014)
Christopher Southgate (ed.), God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A textbook in science and religion (T&T Clark, 2011)
Gillian Straine, Introducing Science and Religion: A path through polemic (SPCK, 2013)
Theology and visual art
Helen de Borchgrave, A Journey into Christian Art (Lion, 1999)
John Drury, Painting the Word: Christian pictures and their meanings (Yale, 1999)
Richard Harries, The Passion in Art and The Image of Christ in Modern Art (Ashgate, 2004 and 2013, respectively)
Neil Macgregor and Erika Langmuir, Seeing Salvation (BBC, 2000)
Beth Williamson, Christian Art: A very short introduction (OUP, 2004)