THIS week, we bring our 2016 Train-A-Priest appeal to a close. Since the start of Lent, readers have been responding generously to the appeal, donating hard-earned cash in order to ensure that the next generation of priests passes through training without hardship.
The total given to the Church Times TAP Fund this year, when Gift Aid is taken into account, comes to £60,191. Although this is lower than in many previous years, it is an expression of the continued support that readers wish to give those in training for the priesthood. Many of the gifts given have come from clergy who, in their turn, benefited from TAP.
The Fund has existed since 1951, and over the years, has channelled several million pounds towards the support of ordinands — first, those who were married, and latterly all who require assistance to overcome a particular hardship. We are grateful to Hymns Ancient & Modern staff, who process the donations in addition to their usual work; and to staff at the Ministry Division, who disburse the funds — all done at no cost, so that every pound given can go in its entirety to ordinands.
Although this year’s appeal has been tallied, the TAP Fund never closes. Anything given between now and the start of Lent 2017 will go to next year’s total. Donations are always welcome. And please consider mentioning TAP in your will.
To give online, simply visit . This is a secure page with clear instructions.
Please send cheques and other donations to: TAP Fund, Church Times, 13a Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich NR6 5DR. If you would like an acknowledgement, please enclose a SAE. To earmark all or part of a donation for the Special Hardship Fund, please use a covering note. Finally, please indicate whether your donation is eligible for Gift Aid.