THE Christmas daffodils did not mean that winter was quite ruled out in a few pockets of the country.
Our readers can be relied on to bring references from literature and hymnody: “A cold coming they had of it: just the wrong time of year for a service” (Derwyn Williams); “The grave’s a fine and private place — unless it snows” (Janet Appleby); “The re-enactments of the St Wenceslas Society valued enthusiasm over accuracy” (David Hill) — although it goes downhill from here: “Of the Father’s Love Toboggan” (Jonnie Parkin).
Talking of going downhill: “I told them relaxing the restrictions on ornaments in the churchyard would be the start of a slippery slope; but would they listen?” (Rich Clarkson).
On the compulsion front: “You’ll go to choral evensong if I have to drag you there myself” (Eric Lishman); “The young curate was determined that there would be at least one child in Sunday school” (Chris Coupe); and: “Nothing would stop the lads from the estate getting to Prayer Book matins” (David Hill).
A slight air of inevitability: “The Quick and the Sled” (Mervyn Cox); “Going to church can be such a drag” (Chris Coupe); “No, I didn’t say ‘Bring out your sled’” (Anna James); and “Sleighed in the Spirit” (David Hill).
More off-beat: “I must say this meerkat round my neck makes life difficult” (Eric Lishman); “Fluorescent gnome removed from churchyard after DAC rejects retrospective faculty application” (Jonnie Parkin).
In our Renewal and Reform corner: “Church attendance was sliding again” (Richard Barnes); “The new curate is great when it comes to pulling in the young people” (John Saxbee); “The future of churchgoing depends more on ‘pull’ than ‘push’ factors” (Alexander Faludy); and “Snowy Church hadn’t quite lived up to the vicar’s hopes” (Derwyn Williams).
A few general entries: “Even at the happiest of times, Simon’s parents liked to reinforce in him a sense of his own mortality” (George Frost); “Climate change or not, they were not going to be late for the Harvest Festival” (Ray Morris); “All this to prove that it’s as cold inside the church as it is outside the church” (Chris Coupe); and “The Rector wondered whether the new funeral directors were treating the job with the necessary solemnity” (Rich Clarkson).
We particularly liked: “You’re out, you whingeing Pom. Sorry, wrong type of sledging” (Richard Martin); “Even in the deepest winter, no incumbent was safe from the unannounced DAC inspections to ensure compliance with Churchyard Regulations” (David Hill); and “Winterwatch camera captures the adaptive behaviour of the Lesser Spotted Churchgoer” (Richard Barnes).
Two favourites this week, the senders of which will receive Fairtrade chocolate, courtesy of Divine ( Let’s hope they haven’t given it up for Lent.