Holy Spirit
Gary Badcock, Light of Truth and Fire of Love (Eerdmans, 1997)
Alasdair Heron, The Holy Spirit (Westminster John Knox, 1996)
Jack Levison, Inspired: The Holy Spirit and the mind of faith (Eerdmans, 2013)
Eugene Rogers (ed.), The Holy Spirit: Classic and contemporary readings (Blackwell, 2009) — a valuable compilation; also consider anthologies compiled by Stanley Burgess.
The Church
Christopher Beeley, Leading God’s People: Wisdom from the Early Church for today (Eerdmans, 2012)
Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck, Why We Love the Church: In praise of institutions and organized religion (Moody, 2009) – from a Reformed perspective; see also their Why We’re Not Emergent (by two guys who should be) (Moody, 2008).
Matt Jenson and David Wilhite, The Church: A guide for the perplexed (T&T Clark, 2010)
Michael Ramsey, The Gospel and the Catholic Church (Longmans, Green and Co., 1936)
Frances Young, God’s Presence: A Contemporary Recapitulation of Early Christianity (CUP, 2013) — a work of theology where preaching and the life of the Church are never far away.
Theology, Spirituality, and Pastoral Practice
Ellen Charry, By the Renewing of Your Minds: The pastoral function of Christian doctrine (OUP, 1999)
Robert Davies Hughes, Beloved Dust: Tides of the Spirit in the Christian life (Bloomsbury, 2008)
F. P. Harton, The Elements of the Spiritual Life: A study in ascetical theology (SPCK, 1932)
Rowan Williams, The Wound of Knowledge: Christian spirituality from the New Testament to St John of the Cross (DLT, 1990)
Evelyn Underhill, Concerning the Inner Life (Methuen, 1947)
Scripture and Theology
Stephen Fowl, Engaging Scripture (Blackwell, 1989) and Cascade Companion to Theological Interpretation of Scripture (Cascade, 2005)
Paula Gooder, Searching for Meaning: An introduction to interpreting the New Testament (SPCK, 2008)
Christopher Rowland, Christian Origins: An account of the setting and character of the most important messianic sect of Judaism (SPCK, 2002)
Kevin Vanhoozer, Craig Bartholomew and Daniel Treier (eds.), Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (Baker, 2005)
N. T. Wright, Paul and His Recent Interpreters (SPCK, 2015)
Several publishers have specifically theological commentaries on scripture, including the Two Horizons (Eerdmans), Brazos (Baker/SCM), and Belief (Westminster John Knox) series. A parallel endeavour is commentaries assembled from quotations from the Fathers, whether put together in the present (Church’s Bible, Eerdmans, and Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, IVP), or in the past, as for instance by Thomas Aquinas in his Catena Aurea (or Golden Chain), on the four Gospels, translated by John Henry Newman (online, and a new hardback edition, Baronius, 2013).