Atonement: A Guide for the perplexed by Adam J.
Johnson (Bloomsbury, £16.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE
£14.99); 978-0-567-25402-3).
Why Science Does Not Disprove God by Amir D.
Aczel (William Morrow, £11.50 (£10.35);
A Theology of Wonder: G. K. Chesterton's response to
Nihilism by Brian P. Gillen (Gracewing, £7.99
(£7.20); 978-0-85244-855-7).
Reimagining the Ignatian Examen: Fresh ways to pray from
your day by Mark Thibodeaux (Loyola Press, £7.99
(£7.20); 978-0-8294-4244-1).
The Paper Sky by El Gruer (Canterbury Press,
£10.99 (£9.90); 978-1-84825-767-2).
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which
operates the Church Times Bookshop.