"WHY does the Church of England keep talking about a 'National
Society'? What kind of building society is that? Do they have a
current account I can use?"
Such misunderstandings are not surprising among a public that is
still mercifully unfamiliar with General Synod jargon and Church
House culture.
The cognoscenti in the Church of England can, of course, make
reference to Joshua Watson's pioneering work in the early 19th
century, establishing the National Society for Promoting the
Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church
in England and Wales.
But the cognoscenti are few. Even churchgoers - and certainly
general readers - in the 21st century lack the background or
interest to investigate historic origins and nomenclature. They
expect an organisation to say what it stands for on the tin.
Guessing the purpose of organisations such as Corus (steel) or Us.
(formerly USPG) has become a familiar topic for pub or parish
During the consultations that led to the 2012 report The
Church School of the Future, the question arose about the
Church of England's identity in its educational work serving one in
four of the nation's children through its schools. Why could we not
have a "C of E Education Service", like the Roman Catholic Church
in this country? At least it would be clear to everybody what it
was doing. But, as so often, there were significant obstacles to
HISTORICALLY, the Education Division at Church House has been
accountable to two bodies: the National Society, and the
Archbishops' Council Board of Education. The former met three times
a year to discuss mainly school matters; but the latter board was
convened only twice a year, and, with an immensely long agenda, was
expected to cover higher and further education, schools, children,
and youth work. And, to some extent, each body worked independently
of the other.
The funding available to the Church of England from Watson's
charity the National Society was significant, part-funding a number
of key staff posts in the Education Division, alongside resources
provided by the General Synod. The charity could not just be wound
up, and the money be transferred into the general pot: the legal
team advised that this would not be possible in terms of charity
Similarly, the National Society and the Archbishops'
Council's Board of Education could not be amalgamated, since the
former also had an additional commitment to education and schools
in Wales. Creating a single body with oversight of the Church of
England education service seemed to have reached an impasse.
The feedback from the original consultation pressing for change
had been considerable, however; so The Church School of the
Future's recommendation for new thinking was unequivocal. The
experts were challenged to circumvent the obstacles, and,
eventually, a proposal came forward: the charity would still need
to be called the National Society, but the body that it part-funded
would have a clearer structure.
If the Archbishops' Council and National Society agreed a
framework setting out their governance responsibilities, the board
could be wound up. The chair of the new body would sit on the
Archbishop's Council to ensure clarification of educational issues
arising for the mission of the Church of England.
THE new streamlined education council for the Church of England
in 2015 thus has the title "The National Society Council", but is
now a more strategic council of 12 members, two of them elected by
the General Synod. It meets three times a year. In addition to
finance and nominations committees, it will oversee the work of
three development groups, which will give more detailed focus to
schools; further and higher education; and children and young
people. This structure will allow more in-depth discussions and
appropriate advice to guide the direction of the Church's education
Its key priorities for the next three to five years include:
- ensuring that the voice of the Church of England is heard in
- the provision, maintenance, and extension of effective Church
of England schools;
- working with universities and FE and sixth-form colleges,
including the support of chaplaincy services, to contribute to the
faith development of staff and students;
- resourcing the growth in faith and well-being of children and
young people, especially through what is provided by parishes and
In our fast-changing education landscape, this new structure
should enable the Church of England more readily to develop and
respond to new ideas and opportunities. As the General Secretary,
the Revd Nigel Genders, has emphasised, it should build and
establish a more dynamic partnership between the National Society
and the dioceses, educational institutions, and the work of the
parishes. So that the outside world can be reassured that the
National Society does not offer a "current bank account", however,
the team it oversees in Westminster will simply be known as the
Church of England's Education Office.
Dr Priscilla Chadwick has been head of Bishop Ramsey C of E
School, in Hillingdon, and Principal of Berkhamsted Collegiate