THE United States is currently in the midst of what pundits are
calling the "Great Decline" in religiosity. New Pew Research data
show a precipitous decline in membership for all Christian groups
from 2007 to 2014, and an even steeper rise in the percentage of
"Nones" - individuals who say they "have no religion" - who now
represent 23 per cent of the population, and one third of the
youngest adults.
Since the decline in religious participation became apparent a
half-century ago, church leaders have speculated about the causes
of decline - and how it might be reversed. Most assumed that
religiosity, or at least "spirituality", was a universal human
impulse. If only churches could package their product attractively,
they thought, and cut out the nasty bits, all would be well. So for
decades they tried everything.
But they asked why people were abandoning religion, without
addressing the more fundamental question why people were religious
in the first place. If they had, they would have realised that
religion is a special taste.
Churches thrive where they address secular needs that are not
otherwise satisfied. Where medical care is inadequate, people look
to the Church for healing. Where people are poor, they flock to
churches that preach the prosperity gospel. In the Global South,
where government is often corrupt and secular institutions
ineffectual, the Church is growing. Where secular institutions
fail, people look to the Church. In affluent countries, where
people are well off and their secular needs are satisfied by
secular institutions, they leave the Church.
There is no reason why people who are served by effective
secular institutions and are well off should bother with church,
unless churches have something on offer that the secular world does
not provide. Churches have that: they have religion - that
is, metaphysics, mysticism, sacred space, and ceremony. Most people
don't have the taste for religion. But it is a taste that can be
cultivated. And more people might acquire the taste, if they saw
what the Church had to offer.
For decades, churches have been jettisoning metaphysics, gutting
churches, and rebranding themselves as "communities" devoted to
mutual support and social service, in the hope of attracting
secular people. This is, however, precisely what secular people,
whose secular needs are satisfied, do not need or want from the
Church. All the Church has to offer people who are materially well
off is religion. There may not be many takers. But if churches
abandon religion, there will be none at all.