Small steps make a big difference to Albanian women
Slim pickings: Hafize Ademi with her children
Slim pickings: Hafize Ademi with her children
PRIMROSE PEACOCK last year raised funds to provide 18 sewing
machines to enable destitute Albanian women, or older girls with
family responsibilities, to train as factory outworkers or village
"sewing ladies".
The most recent recipient was Hafize Ademi, a widow living with
her two teenage children in a run-down state apartment block in
Cerrik, central Albania. The family struggles to live on £37 a
month after buying medication for Redulf, who is 15, handicapped,
and needs round-the-clock care. With charity help, his sister
Rexhina, aged 18, has begun training as a nurse.
Asking everyone who was on her Christmas-card list to substitute
a small donation for a card, Mrs Peacock raised £600 for Albania
Community Assist, a charity involved in projects that focus on the
most disadvantaged. Efforts to help the family continue.
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