A DECLARATION of what "British values" mean to one ecumenical
Christian group, the Maranatha Community, was sent this week to
hundreds of people in leadership positions in Britain, including
the Queen and the Prime Minister.
The statement from the Community says that, "as a matter of
historical record", British values originate "from Judaeo-Christian
belief, thought, and practice", and that they define the British
national identity. It says, however, that there is widespread
concern that these values are endangered.
It affirms fundamental British values as "democracy, rule of
law, equality of every human being before the law, freedom of
speech, and the rights of all men and women to live free from
persecution". It continues: "The central value in British history
and culture, derived from our Judaeo-Christian foundations, is that
every human being is created by God of infinite worth and with
unique purpose and destiny. Therefore, every man, woman, and child
is entitled to respect, care, consideration, and protection."
Values are first nurtured in the family: "the original and
enduring building block of our society, where mother and father are
duly honoured as the primary educators".
It encourages everyone to seek the common good over personal
gain. "Our values", it says, "are evidenced in mutual trust,
truthfulness, and integrity. Our word is our bond within all
relationships, from the home to the marketplace, in civil society
and in government."
It also encourages the virtues of commitment to hard work,
steadfastness, reliability, and consideration towards others.
"British history", it says, "clearly authenticates the role and
benefits of Christian teaching and practice." This is demonstrated,
it says, "in the struggles to establish the rule of law . . . the
establishment of the rights of conscience . . . the founding of
numerous charitable institutions, and the upholding of dignity
through the provision of education, health care, and welfare."
It concludes: "These values bring hope for all people because
they reflect the character of the Creator. . . We call upon people
of all faiths and none to subscribe to these values and to affirm
and confirm them in daily life, general profession, teaching, and
To see the full statement, visit
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