From Mr Christopher Whitmey
Sir, — The PCC of St Peter’s, Willersey (News, 7 August), seems to have overlooked the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976.
Glebe is held by a diocesan board of finance (DBF) as a commercial investment exclusively, with a few minor exceptions under the Measure, for the benefit of the diocesan stipends fund.
Each DBF is required under the Measure to have a management agreement approved by the Church Commissioners. This includes terms such as, “consideration shall be given to the advisability of its sale” and “All lettings shall be at the best rent obtainable.”
The understandable planning concerns of the PCC would be best directed to the local planning authority: “Render unto Caesar. . .” As trustees, a DBF has a statutory duty to optimise returns from glebe, subject to any planning permission, as decided by the proper authority.
Oldstone Furlong, Fownhope
Hereford HR1 4PJ