THE following appointments are announced: Miles
Quick, Director of Music of St Mary Magdalene's, Taunton,
to be Head of Congregational and Instrumental Music; Simon
Russell, Organist of St Mary's, Nantwich, to be North of
England Co-Ordinator.
The following are to be presented in St Edmundsbury
Cathedral on 3 October:
Fellowship of the RSCM(for achievements of
international significance or exceptional work for the RSCM):
Martin Baker, Master of Music of Westminster
Cathedral; Canon Dr Giles Bryant, former Organist
and Master of the Choristers of St James's Cathedral, Toronto;
Paul Ellis, Organist and Director of the Choir of
St Michael and All Angels, Christchurch, and New Zealand President
of the RSCM; Andrew Millington, Director of Music
at Exeter Cathedral; Andrew Nethsingha, Director
of Music of St John's College, Cambridge; David
Ogden, former Director of the RSCM Millennium Youth Choir,
Director of the RSCM Chamber Choir, and Director of Music at Holy
Trinity, Westbury-on-Trym.
Associateship of the RSCM (for achievements of national
significance or important work for the RSCM): the Revd
Helen Bent, Head of Ministerial Training designate at the
RSCM; Dr Christopher Cockburn, former Organist and
Choir Director of Grahamstown Cathedral, South Africa;
Richard Darke, Director of Music of St John's,
Knaresborough; Canon Peter Gould, Master of Music
of Derby Cathedral; Alan Tavener, Director of
Cappella Nova, of Strathclyde University Chamber Choir, and of
Music of Jordanhill Parish Church, Glasgow; the Very Revd
Michael Tavinor, Dean of Hereford Cathedral;
Alistair Warwick, RSCM Co-Ordinator for Scotland,
Director of Music of Holy Trinity Church, Stirling, and Conductor
of Stirling University Chamber Choir.
Hon. Membership of the RSCM (for exceptional or very
significant work for church music or the RSCM, not primarily
musical or liturgical): the Very Revd Simon Aiken,
Dean of the Highveld, South Africa; Robert
Armstrong, inaug_urator, ex-officer, and trustee of the
Guyon Wells RSCM Fellowship in New Zealand; Professor Colin
Gibson, organist of Mornington Methodist Church,
Certificate of Special Service (for significant
administrative work, or a significant contribution to church music
or liturgy at a local level): Christine Alder,
Durham; Philip Brunswick, America; Terence
Carter, Oxford; Anne Connolly-Munt,
Auckland, New Zealand; John Crothers, France;
Graham Look, North-West Europe; Jane
McKee, Peterborough and Northampton; Allan
Packman, Christchurch, NewZealand;
Margaret Penfound, Bristol and Swindon;
Frank Smith, Derbyshire; Eric
Wayman, Lincoln; Eunice Woof,