From Mr Ken Peters
Sir, - I am very surprised at the present results of the General
Synod's vote on the funding of current mission activity. The
majority say we should borrow from future funds for the
It seems to me that good stewardship entails living within one's
means. The current austerity environment has come about because so
many incurred debt, and the resultant deficit has imposed real
hardship. Future generations of congregations will not thank us for
placing such a burden on them.
All too often, the Church spends on things that are not directly
mission. Mission is not a function of the Church; rather, it is the
nature of God. Failure to embrace the nature of God is to deny our
faith. Spending on non-mission activity is a failure of the Church.
Instead of borrowing from future income, we should restrict current
spending to the essential mission.
Ken Peters
82 Old Church Lane, Stanmore
Middlesex HA7 2RR