IT IS inevitable that plans to reform an established and diverse
institution such as the Church of England will attract criticism,
as bees to a dead lion. Those who have worked for growth throughout
their ministry might well look with scepticism at new proposals
that offer to achieve what they failed to do. The parable of the
sower contains no judgements about the sower's distribution of the
seed: it is the nature of the soil only that governs whether
anything comes to harvest. The C of E's commitment to blanket
coverage is, therefore, a commitment to the many places where
growth of any kind will be hard to find. When considering
historical context, it is worth recalling, too, that the intricacy
and comprehensiveness of the Church's legal framework stem from the
system on which it is modelled. When the Church negotiated a
greater autonomy from the state, it had to demonstrate that it
could replicate the same degree of stewardship of its personnel and
property. What is now deemed cumbersome was once a political
necessity, and it is not clear how much this has changed in the
eyes of parliamentarians.
This said, there is an attractive buoyancy about the new
proposals. They need to be winnowed in the General Synod, but
refinements must not cause the energy to dissipate. If the laity
are given their proper place in future plans, we might see the
reforms becoming more radical, not less. The commitment to
maintaining the present level of clergy is commendable; but the
extra expenditure being called for makes it even more imperative to
know what the clergy are for. We suggest that the task of
theological education continue to be a priority, passing on the
fruit of academic study and learned experience to a laity that is
best placed to produce the numerical growth being called for and,
with training, can provide a perfect seedbed for the next
generation of clergy. It is possible that, in future, new, direct,
and effective methods will be developed to raise theological
awareness across the board. Until then, the proposed changes to
selection and training must not be allowed to diminish the clergy's
theological capabilities. Management, of buildings and projects,
can be left to others.
The debate about these reforms must not stall over two different
models of ministry and discipleship, one seeking to broaden the
Church, the other looking for greater depth. These are not in
opposition to each other. It is as important to welcome people into
Christian fellowship as it is to attend to what they are being
offered, which is Christ himself, and the best and most honest
representation of him that churches can manage. When the details of
all these reports are being discussed, we trust that all will hold
in mind the dual definition of growth behind these models. The
Church needs to grow spiritually as well as numerically. Many will
argue that the latter cannot happen without the former.