From the Revd Peter Crumpler
Sir, — At the risk of diminishing the vital fund-raising role played by abseiling teddy bears, I would say that Margaret Duggan’s contribution to the Church has been so much greater than simply encouraging their ups and downs (Features, 14 August).
That Margaret began her article looking back over editing the Real Life page by referring to the teddies’ antics showed both her sense of a good intro and a gentle understating of the vital part that the page has played. While other pages of the Church Times focus largely on the issues and debates making an impact on the Church, Margaret’s Real Life covered parishes getting on with mission and ministry at the grassroots — often in exciting and innovative ways.
In my years working with Margaret — as a diocesan communications officer, communications director at Church House, Westminster, and parish priest — I have always found her professional, exacting, and not afraid to sift out weaker material.
Margaret’s love and concern for the Church always shines through. I look forward to her further contributions to the Church Times.
57 Kingshill Avenue
St Albans AL4 9QH
From the Revd Philip Welsh
Sir, — In my loft a while ago I came across a fragile 1968 copy of the Church Times serving as insulation. Inside was an opinion piece by Margaret Duggan. She was urging a change of attitude by the Church towards homosexual relationships, which must make her one of the earliest public voices in the Church of England to speak up on this issue.
I do hope that, besides the marking of the end of her Real Life page, tribute can be paid to a lifetime of engaged and constructive commentary by Margaret on a whole range of Anglican matters, as Dr Rowan Williams did a few years go when awarding her a Lambeth degree.
Cottage No. 1
St Mary Abbots Centre
Vicarage Gate, London W8 4HW