HIGHLIGHT: What’s the Point Of . . . ? Quentin Letts looks at the Prayer Book (4/4).
9am Radio 4, Wednesday
TELEVISION: Sunday 5pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise Josie d’Arby and Radzi Chinyanganya present the show from the Keswick Convention.
Monday 9pm (C5) Inside Scientology . . . and Escaping the Witnesses The stories of people who believed that they were trapped in religious cults.
10pm (C4) Muslim Drag Queens Ian McKellen narrates a film about the “Gaysian” community in Britain.
Wednesday 8pm (BBC2) Horizon: OCD — a Monster in My Mind Professor Uta Frith investigates therapies for people with OCD.
RADIO: Sunday 7am (R2) Good Morning Sunday Guests include the Revd Peter Owen Jones, who talks about his new book Pathlands: Tranquil walks through Britain.
8.10am (R4) Sunday Worship A service celebrating the Edinburgh Festival, from St Giles’s Cathedral.
9.30am (World Service) Heart and Soul Jane Little meets faith leaders in the US who are challenging the establishment within their faiths.
2pm (R3) A repeat of last week’s service from St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh.
Monday to Friday 1.45pm (R4 FM only) Charisma: Pinning down the butterfly Francine Stocks looks at the quality of charisma, beginning with St Paul’s use of the word (1-5/10).
Monday 4.30pm (R4 FM only) Beyond Belief Ernie Rea and guests discuss the part played by religion in Tunisia (2/8).
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3) Choral Evensong live from Edington Priory, Wiltshire, during the Festival of Music within the Liturgy.