JOHN MERRILL, a seasoned walker and the author of hundreds of walking guides, describe himself as a “universal monk”, who honours and embraces all faiths. In Walking the Camino di Assisi, he tells his story of his journey along the way of St Francis, and includes photographs (The John Merrill Ministry,, £9.95; 978-09574186-2-2).
AUSTEN IVEREIGH’s biographyThe Great Reformer: Francis and the making of a radical pope, which was published last year, has now been issued in paperback with a new epilogue (Allen & Unwin, £9.99(£9); 978-1-76011-348-3). “Francis is constructing a new Catholic populism, one that fiercely advocates on behalf of the excluded,” and has returned the Church to the centre of the world stage, the author concludes.
RUSS PARKER’s 1988 book Healing Dreams: Their power and purpose in your spiritual life has now been reissued (SPCK, £9.99 (£9); 978-0-281-07023-7).