Next week's
Have a go at our next
caption-competition picture (above).
Entries must reach us by Friday 9 January.
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Competition, Church Times, 3rd
floor, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y
by fax to: 020 7490 7093
Last week's competition
IT WAS our fault, really: some photographs simply invite puns.
As Chris Page and Ernest Nelson pointed out: "This nativity
scene sucks."
Here are some more: "Vacuum, vacuum,
Emma-a-a-nuel" (John Appleby); "The Magi, tired
after their long journey, could only gaze vacuously at the Holy
Infant" (John Reed); "And the angels Hoovered all
around them" (Angela Bain); "Dust thou believe in
the Dy-son of God?" (Yvonne Rautenbach); and
"Dyson shall be Emmanuel" (Richard Barnes).
Also by Richard Barnes: "The church cleaners were strong
on Numatic theology" and "But Daddy, where's the
Angel bending on Hoovering wing?" Plus: "The crowd
gathered in the stable was in keeping with the infant's pneumatic
conception" (Alexander Faludy); "Sadly, Henry VIII
abolished the feast of the Holy Succour" (Christopher
Wilson); "This year's nativity display has really been
taken to the cleaners" (Sara Bailey); and "Betty
says it was an immaculate contraption" (Brian
On a different tack: "The mess left by all those
shepherds, animals and Wise Men demanded serious measures"
(Stephen Disley); "Remember thou art dust, and unto dust
thou shalt return" (M. B. Sutton); "The visitors
couldn't stay long. They were needed at the Messy Church"
(George Pitt); and "Very little church cleaning got done
between Christmas and Epiphany" (Charles Taylor).
Also: "The crib had to be dismantled after Boxing Day so
the vacuum cleaners could be returned to the homes in the
parish" (Richard Hough); "Dreaming of a White
Goods Christmas" (Lesley Cope); "Due to consumer
demand at Christmas, the shepherds had been sold" (Chris
There were more: "They opened their treasures: coins,
buttons, and fluff" (Richard Barnes); "One day he
will grow up and help clean up the world" (Bill de Quick);
"For a change, they decided to depict the nativity of Henry
the Sixth" (Ben Woods); "Nature may abhor a
vacuum, but God obviously doesn't" (Ben Woods);
"Evidence-based documentation of outstanding performance,
agility, and capability for rapid change: yes, baby Henry Hoover
was already on track for the new bishop's talent management
pool" (Nicky von Fraunhofer); and "We're not
really kings, we're high-potential individuals in the talent
pool" (Patrick Irwin).
It was hard to choose a winner. We were taken with the
following: "The problem with modern interpretations of the
crib scene is that they can suck the real meaning out of the
nativity story" (Michael Foster); "Pretending to
be kings was bad enough, but sucking up to the Holy Family was the
last straw" (John Lloyd); "We whoosh you
a Henry Christmas" (Richard Barnes); and
"Angels sing. You lot, hum" (Christopher
In the end, we picked two entries, both of which will earn their
originators Fairtrade chocolate, kindly donated by Divine (
"Yes, he's doing fine, except he's not
started sucking yet" John Keeling.
They didn't go back to Herod because that
would have been Dyson with death Charles Taylor.