THE parish church in the village of Hope, in St
Asaph diocese, made sure that the Christmas story would be
a talking point in the village this year. Outside the church, they
set up a life-size illuminated nativity scene that no one could
The celebration began on Advent Sunday, when they held a special
"Christmas Starts" service in the church led by the Rector, the
Revd Adam Pawley. After singing the first carols of the season, the
congregation adjourned to the Red Lion for the lights to be
switched on.
A couple dressed as Mary and Joseph made their way to the
life-size stable outside the church, before more carols were sung
outside the pub. The Community Council had provided the lights for
the centre of Hope, hanging them in the churchyard trees and
outside the Red and White Lion inns. Meanwhile, a floating angel
above the stable was also lit up.
"The response and enthusiasm from the community was brilliant,"
Mr Pawley said. "The event and lights have become a major
talking-point. What a superb start to Advent and the Christmas
season, celebrating 'Christmas starts with Christ'. It has come
together so well, I can't wait until next year."
Councillor Ian Sumptor, who arranged for the lights, and who
constructed the life-size crib and angel, agreed: "An event has
been created that will become part of the village's Christmas
celebrations for many years to come."