THEIR new charity shop to support people in debt has been so
successful during its first year that they can now set up a
debt-counselling service. The Storehouse Community Shop, in
Aberkenfig, Llandaff diocese, is a joint project
involving eight churches and chapels in the town.
The aim, the Priest-in-Charge of Aberkenfig, the Revd Stephen
Pare, says, was "to provide a service for the community while at
the same time raising money to set up a debt centre, which we are
delighted to have achieved". The shop sells good-quality secondhand
clothes, books, bric-a-brac, and CDs. They employ a manager and
deputy manager part-time, and there are about 20 volunteers from
the various churches.
It was opened by the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, seen
here with the manager, Karen Homans, and the Methodist minister,
the Revd Chris Gray. The money goes to local charities as well as
to the Christians Against Poverty debt centre.